Carbs and the Long Run

There were a lot of carbs going down this past weekend.

On Saturday, I brought my car in for its 50K mile check up.

Instead of sitting around in the waiting room, I decided to go for a walk.


I headed toward this restaurant that I pass all the time when I go for my long run at the Nisky bike path but have never stopped.

It seemed close but not when I started walking.  It turned out to be 3/4 mile.

First I had some delicious tea. (They had so many kinds to choose from.


Then it was too tempting not to eat… the problem was picking something.  Everything was made with tea and sounded delicious.  I chose pumpkin pancakes with cinnamon butter.  YUM!


Then I walked back (and wished it were longer than 3/4 mile) and picked up my car.

A Summer Sports Expo was being held in Saratoga  so I decided to drive up since I was half way there anyway.

Not that I need anything, but I love sales. Last year, I wound up buying a pair of Newtons for 40% off.

There were more biking, swimming and kayaking stuff than running.  Most of the running booths were clubs or advertising summer/spring races.  Since I run so many races, I was familiar with most of them.  The expo would be really useful for a beginner runner or someone new to the are.

I didn’t buy anything but entered a ton of raffles. Fingers crossed.

Afterwards, I walked arond the town a bit.  I love Saratoga and I needed to walk off those pancakes.

I rushed home because I was going out to dinner (yes, another meal out) to celebrate a friend’s retirement.

We went to Delmonicos which happens to be my favorite restaurant.

I usually order steak (their specialty) but since I had a long run planned for the next day, I ordered pasta (with chicken, mushrooms & broccoli) – Yes, more carbs!  And I shared a cannoli for dessert. (I could have eaten the whole thing.)


On Sunday, I took my long run.  I ran (ran is a loose term) 11 miles two weeks ago, only 4 during my Florida trip so I planned to repeat the 11 mile long run.

I knew it would be hard.  I have been slacking off on my mileage. I have been skipping runs…combination of the weather and just too many weeks of long runs.

The question was where to go…

I hate running a route more than once.  There is still snow and ice since the temps have been so cold. I wasn’t sure if any of the bike paths would have 5 1/2 mile clear path. (Oh, Florida- how I miss you!!)

So I decided to run into town and then back home.  (I used to run this route when training for my first few half marathons.) Definitely not scenic but clear.

I got up at 8 am and believe it or not, it took me until noon to get out of the house.  Reading blogs…putting away laundry…reading email..watering plants..etc. etc.


heading into town

It turned out to be a beautifully sunny day (in the 30s).  Unfortunately, it was WINDY. It seems to be windy for all my long runs.

Maybe it’s me, but the wind just zaps my strength and I find it hard to move.


We still have a lot of snow but the roads are clear for the most part.


this is a sidewalk!!

The problem is that with all the traffic on this main road, it’s best to run on the sidewalks. But they are full of puddles and often have icy spots.

It’s exhausting dodging the water and trying to not slip.

Eventually I arrived around 4 miles at a coffee shop.  I wanted to take my Gu but I didn’t  have water so I stopped to buy some.


lemon, raspberry cupcake and salted caramel Gu – both delish!

On the counter was a mini cupcake…I was eyeing it so the cashier gave it to me.. I couldn’t refuse another carb, could I?


finally a sunny day for my town clock pic

I  hid my water for the way back and more gu at mile 8 and continued into town.

On the way back, so tired of those sidewalk puddles, I detoured and ran back on a street parallel that doesn’t have much traffic.

Unfortunately, I missed the water that I had stashed and had to take my gu solo.

My run wasn’t great.  It was slow and I walked when I was tired but I actually had more energy the 2nd half of the run. And as bad as it was, it was better than my 11 miler 2 weeks ago.


look who’s was anxiously waiting for me to get home!

Happy Running! How was your weekend?  Do you eat a lot of carbs?


2 thoughts on “Carbs and the Long Run

  1. Dang…all that deliciousness. This is the second blog I’ve read about food. I’m gonna have to stay off of blogger. Hopefully you get some nicer weather soon…they perk up the runs for sure!


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