Runfessions – May

It’s that time again (or at least yesterday was). Time to get things off my chest with Marcia’s Runfessions at Marcia’s Healthy Slice

I runfess…

Still no before work runs.  One morning I did see a women running by my house around 6 am. That’s as close as I have gotten.  Maybe when it gets warm and my FRW Challenge and STEM runs are over. Or maybe not.

I runfess…

I did not do a single uninterrupted long run for this weekend’s half marathon and I still got a PR. Now how will I motivate myself to train for future halfs??

didn’t even break a sweat

I runfess…

I have been going to the gym at least once a week but I just rush in, do all the machines and rush out.  This week, I specifically went there to get my FREE birthday smoothie.

Image result for Vent fitness protein smoothie

I runfess…

Now that I’m on a training break (ha ha, as if I ever trained?), I am thinking about maybe trying for a 5k PR.  Especially since without realizing it, my last 5k (at 27:26) was only 16 seconds short. Of course, I want it to come accidentally and without speed workouts.  It probably won’t. Sigh.

maybe it was the rain that got me to the finish line faster

I runfess…

My non-racing tennis vacation in Florida did include a race.  I played tennis almost every morning but I managed to find a 5k in town on the weekend.  I admit it was nice not planning a vacation around a race, though.

I even bumped into an old tennis teammate

I runfess…

Now that the Half Marathon PR pressure is off, I may sign up for some challenging races.

Make-A-Wish Vermont Maple Leaf Half Marathon

a very hilly one in Sept. Tempting but I haven’t signed up … yet.

I runfess…

I have lost track of how many times, I have celebrated my birthday.  It only comes once a year, right?

this one was in Florida on my actual birthday

I runfess…

I have given into the Keurig hype. I bought a cheaper brand (Bella) and I can use regular Starbucks ground coffee (so the environment is safe with me.)

Happy Running! Anything to runfess this month?



23 thoughts on “Runfessions – May

  1. I love that dress! I was considering the skirt–I just love that pattern–but splurged on my Inknburn instead. We have a Keurig, but I feel like the single cups are so wasteful! My son has a reusable cup and that works just great!


  2. We don’t have a Keurig, but I do enjoy the one at work. Since I only drink the chai latte, which is usually just powder (and not actual coffee grounds), I just puncture the cup and dump it into my already heated milk/water and mix & go. When the hubby wants coffee, he wants an entire pot LOL


  3. I actually bought the dress too. If I can fit it in, it may make its debut in UT.

    Often your PRs do come without training — except training can be cumulative. I runfess I’d still like to PR a 5k but then I’d actually have to run one, LOL!


      • I’m actually surprised you bought it since it’s not running clothes. Of course I have too many running clothes, but I also wear Skirtsports for everyday life a lot in the summer. You can do that when you’re retired. 😊 sometimes I wear 2 skirts a day — one to run in & one for the rest of the day.


            • I always get a M cuz I don’t like clothes clingy. But this one is a S. I have to wear a bra and compression shorts under or it’s too big. I like it though. And after my eating lately, it probably fits better now. lol .

              Liked by 1 person

                    • I agree about the prints. some are tighter than others. And they don’t shrink putting them in the dryer. So I can’t put a lot in the pockets. But as I’ve said, I don’t like the look of a tighter skirt. So I deal with the loose waist. Just a preference.

                      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your runfessions! I guess that you are getting your training just right, with high intensity strength at the gym and lots of recovery in your running! If it works, stick with it!!!


  5. That is a super cute dress!
    ha! You could some 400’s once a week and probably 5K PR! You are super close 🙂
    I need to pass some of that good mojo to me for next month! I am trying to train but I bailed on my long run this morning lol


  6. I love that you went to the gym for your free birthday smoothie – I keep a running list of all the birthday freebies available to me and which ones I want to hit. 🙂


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