Who Keeps You Healthy?

 The American Recall Center is a brand new site devoted to providing health and wellness news in simple, straightforward terms. Their ultimate goal is to help their readers take complete charge of their health by being fully informed! 

This past March, they reached out to a group of other bloggers to create a blog post that included an explanation and photo of who in their life kept them healthy. In other words, who’s their “Health Hero“? Because of the fantastic response and the relatively small number of bloggers that participated, they are running this campaign again for the month of April.

Like they did in March, they will feature a collage of all of the images from every participant in their Community Section

My Health Hero:


My health hero is my co-worker Sherri.  Where I work, our jobs are mostly sedentary.  In other words, we sit at a desk all day and work on the computer.

Sherri, who has severe neck & back problems (that require PT and cortisone shots) and recently had a hysterectomy, is more active than anyone I know.

She arrives early each day so she can walk before work. For her 15 minute morning break, she walks a 1 mile inside when the weather is cold (which his most of the time in the NE) or outside around the track in the nicer temps.


For her lunch hour, she rides the exercise bike or walks on the treadmill.


And for her 15 minute afternoon break, she repeats her morning routine.  If that weren’t enough, she has free weights at her desk so she do upper body strength exercises in preparation for kayak season.


Before I met Sherri, I would sit at my desk all day!  I even ate lunch at my desk.  Now at 11 am, she stops by my office and encourages me to accompany her on her 15 minute walk around the school.


I am a runner but she walks almost as fast as I run.  I struggle to keep up but I am so happy that she gets me out of my chair once a day. She may even motivate me to leave my desk for lunch, too.


Happy Running!  Do you have a “Health Hero”?





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