I ‘Mustache’ You Some Questions


It’s a slow week at work so I’d thought I’d answer a bunch of “mustache” questions:

4 Names people call you other than your own name.

  1. Hon or Honey (my hubby)
  2. Madame (my former students)
  3. Dar (my friends)
  4. Dee

4 Jobs I’ve had:

  1. Usherette
  2. French Teacher
  3. Director of Educational Technology for a school district
  4. Instructional Technologist at a law school (current)

4 Movies I’ve watched more than once:

  1. Bridesmaids
  2. Titanic
  3. Love Actually
  4. The Wizard of Oz

4 Books I recommend:

  1. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
  2. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
  3. Eleven Minutes by Paolo Coelho
  4. Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

4 Places I’ve lived:

  1. Pittsburgh, PA (born there)
  2. East Meadow, NY (where I grew up)
  3. Nice, France (my junior year of college)
  4. Albany, NY (college years)

4 Places I’ve been:

  1. Russia
  2. Greece
  3. Israel
  4. France

in  2002, 2004, 2006

4 Places I’d like to be now:

  1. Florida
  2. Caribbean
  3. California
  4. Mexico

I want this view

4 Favorite foods:

  1. Ice Cream
  2. Pizza
  3. Apple Pie
  4. Cider Donuts

yes, please!

4 Things I don’t eat

  1. Peanut Butter
  2. Avocado
  3. Raw Onions
  4. Blue Cheese

4 TV shows I watch

  1. Revenge
  2. Grey’s Anatomy
  3. Nashville
  4. The Good Wife

4 Things I’m looking forward to next year:

  1. Trip to West Palm Beach, Florida in January
  2. Trip to California in March
  3. Half Marathon along the Jersey Shore in April
  4. Trip to  Naples, Florida in May


4 Things I always say:

  1. Oh my God!
  2. You’re kidding!
  3. Really!
  4. Gotta run!

Ok your turn. Answer one (or more) of these in a comment. And, if you’re so inclined, consider yourself tagged.

Happy Running!


7 thoughts on “I ‘Mustache’ You Some Questions

  1. Great answers 🙂 You have done some interesting travels. I don’t think I could live without avocado or peanut butter lol I used to get so excited each year before the Wizard of Oz would come on 🙂 I’d make Jifffy Pop and hang out all night.


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