Freihofer’s Run for Women

Training with the New Runners Group has made me more excited than usual about this race. This is my 3rd FRW. (I actually know someone who has run all 32.) The lst 2 I ran with 2 of my tennis buddies.  This year Pat is injured but MaryPat (she is lucky to be able to run without training) planned to run.

My husband picked up my bib & chip yesterday and ate ALL my chocolate chip cookies.  I stopped the Expo after work and bought a perfect top to wear (and on sale) and a BondiBand.

I woke up early to the sound of rain.  By the time I was ready to leave, the rain had stopped and was replaced with sun & HUMIDITY!!!!

I decided to not park in the crowded parking lot and I parked at work and walked to the race.  It was way farther than I thought – about a mile and a half so I arrived late for our meet up and I was already HOT! I also left my iPod in my car and LOST my BondiBand on the way.

I arrived  to find MaryPat waiting as well as the running group.

me with Jen & Bridget (Bridget's FB photo)

We took a pre-race photo and wished each other luck and agreed to meet up again at the same spot to take another photo. Felice gave us all a pink wristband that said “Strong Running Mama.”

Me, Jen, Melissa, Janis, Felice, Jen, Bridget (Bridget's FB photo)

MaryPat & I headed to the starting line and squeezed in among the over 4,000 women.  This year for the first time, the chips were on our bibs and measured our exact running time so it didn’t matter where we started.

I looked to the right and saw 2 professors that I work with. The race started with an uphill climb that you were forced to take slow because it was so CROWDED.

at the beginning (Bridget's FB photo)

There was finally some breathing room when we got into the park.  It was strange to run without my iPod music but I just looked at the scenery and the women around me.

The first mile timer said around 12 minutes when I passed which was really 11 minutes (SLOW!!).  I stopped briefly for water and then passed the 2nd mile marker at under 20 minutes (TOO FAST!!). I stopped again briefly for water and then during the 3rd mile, I was out of gas.

I crossed the finish line and heard them call my name around 31 something. (31:18)

I bumped into a friend from my Mah Jongg group and we chatted for awhile and then I headed to our spot.  All the new runners had finished and they had done WELL!!

Back: Melissa, Amanda, me, Felice, Jen, Janis, Jen, Lisa; front: Bridget, Suzy (Bridget's FB photo)

We took a group photo and gave Felice a thank you gift (a photo book).  She cried as did many of us.  I think this won’t be the last race for many of these women.

Felice getting her gift (Bridget's Fb photo)

I got some food and hung around awhile for some of the awards.  The winner finished the race in HALF my time.  I was happy that Liz Maloy, a local runner & a graduate of AHN where I taught came in 10th. I checked the results and saw that my net time was 30:39! (Results are listed here.) I was happy!

I then walked back to my car and guess what I found along the way–my BondiBand.  YAY!

I got back to my car and realized that I hadn’t take any photos so I snapped one. I love the timer!

after the race

Recap of the Goals:

A– finish in under 30 minutes
B– finish in less time than my 1st 2 Freihofer’s (2nd=35:05, 32 my time, lst=33:29)
C– finish

I accomplished B & C.  I missed A by 39 seconds  (2 waterstops, too fast during mile 2, the humidity, blah blah…)

Click Here for some photos from the race.

Video of my finish (clock time 31:17).

Happy Running and congrats New Runners!

11 thoughts on “Freihofer’s Run for Women

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