Friday Five: Race Day Surprises


Every Friday, three DC area bloggers Mary at Mar On the Run, Cynthia at You Signed Up For What?! and Courtney from Eat Pray Run, DC to host the Friday Five linkup.  Anyone can join with their own Friday Five post (yes, it must be a Friday Five!!)  They encourage you to visit other blogs on the linkup, comment, share and engage!

This week, the theme is Race Day Surprises

Unfortunately I can only think of bad ones…

1. Power goes out and your alarm clock doesn’t go off


that happened for the Walkway Half

2. You put the wrong address in your GPS and go to the wrong location


at the Betar Byway 5k last year – I put in Glens Falls not South Glens Falls

3. Unexpected pain


my left foot mysteriously hurt for the whole 13.1 miles of the Asbury Half

4. Gastric Distress


severe cramps the last 3 miles of the VCM Relay

5. Bad Weather


sunny and 60s the day before

Lake George Half

30s, sleet and freezing rain the day of

Happy Running! What surprises have you encountered on race day?


10 thoughts on “Friday Five: Race Day Surprises

  1. Oh, hey! So many of these things! Fortunately I have never overslept (I set about five alarms on my cell phone) and I have never gone to the wrong location, but pain, bad weather and GI distress have all cropped up. Also, let’s not forget “lady issues.” That’s always extra fun.


  2. Oh, goodness…I have definitely gone to the wrong place and had lots of stomach issues; I think those are really tough ones, Darlene. I remember reading your recap for the race when you overslept; you turned that one right around and did great! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. the best surprise i’ve encountered on a race day is feeling amazing when i thought i’d feel awful or really struggle. yours are not so good – here’s to better surprises in the future! 🙂


  4. I had the address in my GPS for a half marathon from the previous year, but didn’t look at it until I left at 4 am. Oops! It was 20 miles further than I remembered. I sped like a demon and after packet pickup (and walking back and forth to my car), I had 5 minutes to spare. That’s the stuff that stresses me out!


  5. Gastric trouble and extreme heat. One half in Oct. my first year running it was 90 degrees and no shade on the course. I have never been so miserable lol I hate when a race goes really wrong like that.


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