I’ve Been Nominated

Liebster Award

Thanks to Karen @ Running50 for nominating this blog for a Liebster Award. (I think it’s my 3rd time.  Maybe I need to recruit more followers.  LOL)

Here are my answers to her 11 questions:

1.What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?

Running my first Half Marathon. I really wasn’t sure I could.

naples 1-11

2. Where would you choose to live if you did not have any restrictions on where you were?

Paris, France.  It’s my favorite city. I love the language, food, monuments, museums, gardens, etc.

3. Have you crossed something off of your bucket list?  If so, what and if not, tell us something that is still on your list.

I have been to the Grand Canyon, Israel, France, Greece.


Many things on my list involves traveling that we’can afford (Alaskan cruise, African Safari, Hawaii..)

But I still want to run a race in NYC.

4. If you could time travel, would you chose to live in a different time? When?

No, I like the time I’m in.  I’m a techie and that stuff didn’t exist in other time periods.

5. What was a favorite childhood book?

I used to love those Nancy Drew mysteries.

6. Can you speak a second language? If so, what and if not, which language would you like to be able to speak?

Je peux parler francais.

Y un pocito de espanol. 

7. What is your favorite holiday and why?

I’ve always liked July 4th.  It’s summer and I love BBQs and fireworks.

view of the fireworks from our marina

8. What would a perfect vacation be?

I’m not sure. Either on a beach or in a place with lots of interesting sites to photograph.

relaxing in the sun at Boca Grande beach

9. Do you have a recipe that you are famous for making?

I make a really good apple pie.

10. I’m also going to ask a question I was asked.  What blog post are you most proud of?

A guest post – https://myfirst5k.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/guest-post:  You’re Not Over the Hill…Why You Should Run… Advice for women in their later years

11.Who inspires or inspired you?

All those women over 50 who are running.

Now here are 11 random facts about myself:

1. I am an avid Mets fan (even when they are losing which is most of the time). I listen to their games whenever I can.

2. I have been mentoring a young unwed mom for the past 7 years.  Her 8 1/2 year old son Richard is a joy!  I love Amanda like a daughter.  (She also now has 4 year old son named Matthew.)


3. I have NEVER eaten peanut butter. (That means I’ve never had a P & J sandwich. I don’t even eat Reese’s.)

4. I love tennis although I don’t play it much since I started running 7 yrs ago. I used to play tennis everyday now it’s only a once a week. Roger Federer is my favorite professional player. Now I’d rather run!! But some of my best friends are ones that I met through playing tennis. They are the reasons I continue to stick with it.


my tennis buds

5. I spent my junior year of college in Nice, France and taught French for many many years (until I discovered the world of technology – now I’m a geek). I still love anything French and would move to Paris in a heart beat.

at NYBQ for a Monet exhibit

6. I am addicted to Mah Jongg.  I have played it for 6 1/2 years on Friday evenings.  It’s a game my mother used to play & no one wants to be like their mother but it’s a lot of fun and it keeps your mind young (I hope).


7. I have seen Les Miserables (the show) at least 15 times and would see it again if it came to town. I have also read the book & seen the movies but it’s the music that I love!

8. I am a certified “cat lady.”  I have 4 cats: Jerry, Slater, Billy, Honey. Honey is the only female. (I used to have 5 but Spooky died.) Jerry is my fav but my hubby adores Slater.

9. I am obsessed with photos.  I take my camera or phone almost everywhere I go.  I post them all online in Shutterfly and many on Facebook. (And of course on this blog.)

10. I love desserts.  I would skip dinner and just have dessert.  Once I even went to the Mariott’s (in NYC) all you can eat dessert buffet instead of having dinner. Apple pie and creme brulee are among my favorites.


some French patstries – yum!

11. I hardly ever watch TV… I am never am home.  I detest reality shows, too.  I do DVR Grey’s Anatomy, Downton Abbey, and The Good Wife  (but struggle to find the time to watch.) However, my hubby would do nothing else but watch TV if he could. If I am home in the evening, I would rather read a book.

My Nominees are:

  1. Traveling, Running and a little bit of style
  2. See Linda Run
  3. Darlin’ Rae
  4. Adventures of a Middle-Aged Drama Queen
  5. Gramma Goes Running
  6. Running Races Coast to Coast
  7. We Run Disney
  8. Running Over the Hill
  9. Running-Late
  10. A handful of Spinach
  11. Anyone else who qualifies…

Questions My Nominees Need to Answer:

  1. What is your dream job?
  2. Vacation at the beach or the city?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. Red or white wine?
  5. What is one thing you have accomplished on your bucket list?
  6. Morning person or night owl?
  7. If you could live anywhere for a year, where would it be?
  8. Favorite race and why?
  9. Favorite TV show?
  10. How do you relax?

Happy Running! If you haven’t been nominated (maybe you have too many followers), answer one or more of my questions in a comment.


2 thoughts on “I’ve Been Nominated

  1. Thank you for tagging me!! You know I am slow, but I will post it soon 🙂
    I loved Nancy Drew and the hardy Boys as a kid, I read them over and over …
    Did it seriously rain for your first half marathon?! In the picture it looks wet.


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