Wednesday Word: Kerfuffle

Deb Runs

Every Wednesday, the Deb from Deb Runs will be providing a word about which to blog. Kind of like a nice little blog prompt. Posts can be fitness or health related, but don’t have to be, so really anyone can play along. Just be sure to link up with InLinkz on Deb’s main post, and share the love by reading and commenting on other’s participant’s posts.

Today’s word is kerfuffle.

What a funny sounding word.  So what does it mean?

A commotion or mess, especially one caused by conflicting views

So how does this relate to my running? Have I experienced any kerfuffles? You bet!!

  • The Weather Kerfuffle

The Lake George Half in 2011.

The day before, the weather was 60 degrees and sunny.

The day of the race, it was 30 degrees, snow on the ground, sleeting and hailing the whole race.

I was not at home and could not prepare for unexpected weather.

  • The Short Course Kerfuffle

 Strawberry Fest 5k in 2014.

Strawberry fest 5K

I started to speed up during the 3rd mile and then… it was over!!!

Apparently, the police had blocked off part of the course so it was NOT 3.1 miles. It was more like 2.25 or so.  I was on a PR pace too.

  • The Alarm Clock/ Packet Pickup Kerfuffle

Walkway Half Marathon in 2015.

It was held about 1 1/2 hrs from where I live but there was no day of race packet pick up. I contacted them and they said that I would have to get someone else to pick it up. I put out a frantic call on FB and got someone to do it.

Then we had a power outage the night before so my alarm clock did not go off. I scrambled and ran out of the house and arrived at the race to find that there was ONE entrance to college where it started.  Lots of traffic so I was late meeting the runner with my bib (did find her on the porta potty line).  To make matters worse, they delayed the start of the race due to the traffic and they were handing out bibs the day of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


at least I got chocolate milk and a cool medal.

  • The Broken Foot Kerfuffle

Freihofer’s Run for Women 2013.

After being out most of 2012 with ankle surgery and a foot stress fracture, I was excited to be healthy again. At the mile 1 water stop, I hesitated on the slippery ground and turned my weak ankle and felt something scary.

Of course, I did what every smart runner does. Stop so I don’t make it worse.


I continued to run…my gait was way off and my foot hurt with every step but I ran on….. until I crossed the finish line (and I had a fast time!)

After I finished, I headed to the Medic tent to ice my foot. The doctor there suggested I get an xray.

So I limped 1.5 miles back to my car.

I was still in denial but my foot was starting to turn purple and I knew what that meant.

Xray results: clean break of the fifth metatarsal

good thing I kept those critches
  • No Signs on the Course Kerfuffle

Monster Scramble 10K

This was a small race and a 5k plus a 10k. Even fewer runners were running the 10K and both races started at the same time. Things started out well. Everyone was in costume and the volunteers were handing out candy. However, they must have forgotten that there were runners doing the 10k.  The volunteers disappeared and we had no idea where to run. So we made our own course and eventually found our way back to the finish line.


  • Poorly Organized Half Marathon Kerfuffle

RNR Brooklyn 2015

A Rock N Roll Race should be fun, right?

Not this one.

It started with a pathetic expo but then I can live with that. But they over sold the parking so many runners had to miss the race (luckily that was not me.)


The pre-race details include: poor signage, miles of walking to check bags, more miles of walking to enter corrals, inadequate number of  security guards (lines to enter took forever so they eventually discontinued it), 1 port a potty per thousand runners (one in each corral), late start.


The race itself had no music except at the end. Yes, this was a RNR race. The post race refreshments were blah (No bagels. hey, we’re in NYC!!)

And then more miles of walking to get out of the park to get to the subway (no signage = lots of clueless tired wandering runners).

  • The Canceled Race Kerfuffle

Vermont City Marathon 2016

I ran the relay. But I ran the second leg so I didn’t start until around 11 am.  Due to the heat and humidity, the race started at Red alert. (The highest before they had to cancel.)


waiting to begin

So by the time I had run 4 miles, the race was cancelled.

I didn’t have a problem with that but the race officials were encouraging runners to quit and get on buses by lying to them. We were being told that there were be no water, no medical support, no timing, no photos, no finish line and to quit would be the only way to get your medal.

I and many others kept running and found none of what they said to be true.  Except that I had to walk a significant distance to the buses to get my medal.


But if you run as many races as I do, you are bound to experiences some kerfuffles.

Happy Running! How about you?  Any racing snafus?


5 thoughts on “Wednesday Word: Kerfuffle

  1. RNRB sounds a mess! and your foot 😦 oh my…
    I got super sick during my second half marathon due to heat and we did have a 5K last year that turned into 4.2 miles…my poor hubby, and a storm when we tried to do a Glow Run together so I guess I’ve had a few kerfuffles.


  2. Of course there are the races that ran out of water or cups or both. The time I forgot my handheld water bottle. And the only time I did the run-off I *thought* I knew where it started, but I was wrong . . . and ended up running at least half a mile to the start.


  3. haha such a fun word! you’ve had quite a few race kerfuffles but managed to make the best of them all. i still cringe every time i read about your broken foot one! and i’ve let people know how the BK rock & roll was such a fail, from reading your recaps. hopefully they fix those glitches this year.


  4. I’ve had many similar kerfuffles! The weather one is the worse when you’re out of town without alternative clothing. And how annoying about the short course. I’ve run races with long courses, but never a short course.

    Thanks for linking up!


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