2018 Brooklyn Ice Cream Social 5k Race Recap

June 12, 2018 7:00 pm

Another trip to NYC for work and another 5k in Brooklyn. This was my third one in the past month. Usually I run the cheap ones organized but the Prospect Park Track Club (Al Goldstein Summer Speed Series).

But this week, NYCRuns offered a 5k on the same course but you got ice cream after the race. Well, you know how I feel about ice cream.

This race was the first annual Brooklyn Ice Cream Social 5K after successful Ice Cream Social races held on Roosevelt Island. The course map seemed to indicate that it was a similar course to the Al Goldstein Summer Speed Series 5ks.

Again I had to work all day in Queens (getting up at 5:30 am and being on my feet until 4 pm). I would have to rush to take the subway, then the LIRR, walk to my hotel and change my clothes and then take a LONG subway ride to Brooklyn.

I was familiar with the route and knew that I would make the race on time (unless there were snafus with the transportation.) So I got off at the same subway stop in Brooklyn as usual (which was not the closest one but one that I knew) and made my way through the park looking for signs indicating a race.

I heard loud music and found the gathering area and bib pick up.  It was a different location than my previous Brooklyn 5ks. There were port-a-potties instead of real restrooms (but actually real ones were not too far away, if needed.)

I got my bib and race shirt and hung out at one of the many picnic tables.

It was little chilly – around 70 with a breeze so I kept my jacket on until the last minute and then checked it at bag check.

As in my other Brooklyn races, I did not know a single person. So I ate a banana and some cookies and chatted with my hubby on my phone.

Soon it was time for everyone to walk down to the start. No corrals or pace signs.  Just everyone all together.  It didn’t matter since this race was also chip-timed.  There were serious runners as in the PPTC-sponsored 5k but there seemed to be many more “regular” runners. About 500 in total.

Since I had just run the course the week before and two weeks before that, I knew about the big LONG hill during mile 1.  In fact, I ran that hill during the Brooklyn Half Marathon. My fourth time running this HILL in a month!

Though I was beat from a long day’s work on my feet, I felt fine, was not hungry and the weather was perfect.  I decided that I would try to RUN up the whole hill. In fact, if possible RUN the whole race.  I know it is only a 5k, but I walk during my races.  I find that I need to and often finish faster if I do.

So how did that work???

Mile 1 was hard.  My legs felt like lead.  (Probably should have warmed up before the race.) But I did not walk.  I dragged myself up that stupid hill.

Mile 2 was better and I decided to skip the water stop. I really wanted to walk but I did not.

Again I was crashing during mile 3. I willed myself not to walk until the mile 3 marker. Then I decided to just finish…no walking!

I tried to sprint and finish under 28 minutes. I DID and was actually winded and grabbed some water. Pretty rare since I never put it all out there unless I am trying for a PR.

I walked back to bag check to get my jacket  and get my ICE CREAM!!

The line wasn’t too long and it was divided into two lines: vanilla and chocolate.  The vanilla line was much shorter and I gladly went on that line.

The ice cream cup was small and many complained about the size and that it didn’t have sprinkles. Still it was satisfying.

They didn’t post the results. I did get an email with my time but I wasn’t sure if I won an award.

Looks like I won!

Well, no awards ceremony. I asked and someone said that you would get an email and then they would mail you your award.


So runners just got their ice cream and left. I did the same.

Race Splits
mile 1- 9:20
mile 2 – 8:30
mile 3 – 8:45
.14 – 7:46


Not a 5k PR but a course PR.  Faster than last week and even faster than last July (27:52).  Maybe someday, I will conquer that hill. (Probably have to train on hills and do some hill repeats…)

I was happy with how the race turned out. I love these mid-week races. It’s a great way to pass the evening and it leaves my weekends free for long runs and boating. I wish I had this option locally.

Regarding this particular race, it’s hard not to compare it to the PPTC sponsored races. Same course. Both chip timed with one water stop. But $39 vs $7.50 ($5 if you run the series). No real bathrooms or awards ceremony. Runners seemed to be much more excited, friendly and enthusiastic during the cheaper races.

So was it worth it for the shirt and the ice cream?????

Nope. I don’t think that I will repeat this one next summer unless my schedule doesn’t allow me to run the Al Goldstein Summer Speed Series 5k races.

That is unless my engraved award is awesome. LOL

Since it’s Tuesday, I’m linking up with these wonderful ladies:

Erika @ MCM Mama Runs, Marcia @ Marcia’s Healthy Slice and Patty @ My no-guilt life for

I am joining up with Running on HappySuzlyfeCrazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs for the Coaches’ Corner linkup


Happy Running! Ever run a race for the food?

22 thoughts on “2018 Brooklyn Ice Cream Social 5k Race Recap

  1. That is one awesome race shirt – I’d have done that race as well, even with the high entry fee. People being pissed about no sprinkles on the ice cream just cracks me up! Congrats on the AG award – you’ll have to post a picture of it when it arrives…and yes, I hope it’s awesome, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations!

    They definitely could have gone for sprinkles, but I would have been thrilled to get ice cream! It’s my absolute favorite!

    I love that you have these midweek races! What a fun way to get out and run without using up a weekend day! I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ice cream is my favorite. We would get along well.

      I loved being able to run these races. Unfortunately, I am not in the city for the rest of them.


  3. wait, was it again in Prospect Park? I didn’t quite get location but when you talk about the hill and I see the map it makes me think PP.

    still you won your AG, got an ice cream (yay vanilla!) but yeah it is a pricey 5K! Our local 5K’s cost something like EUR 5 🙂 then again I live in Arnhem which is a tad smaller than Brooklyn/ NYC 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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