Running in a Foreign Country – Part 2

It’s Friday so I’m linking up with Running on Happy & Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five 2.0 linkup! Join in! Don’t forget to link back to your hostesses and visit some other bloggers.

Since I just returned from my trip to France (where I did do some running), my topic for today is again:  Five Tips for Running in a Foreign Country

Image result for running in France

1. Bring a running belt.

At home, I could get away with running naked (just clothes LOL) or with just my phone in my pocket.  In a foreign country, I wanted to make sure I had metro tix, ID, money and a credit card.  Even with my pockets, I was glad that I had my running belt with me.

2. Don’t depend on weather forecasts. Bring clothes for ALL running temperatures.

At home, you can just change your clothes if it is warmer or colder than predicted.  And yes, in a foreign country, you can buy what you need but you’d be surprised how hard it is to find running clothes.  So yes, I brought tanks, short and long sleeved tops, a jacket, DIY arm warmers, gloves, skirts and capris.  The weather varied. It was cooler in Paris than in Sanguinet (which is located south of Paris) but when I returned to Paris, there was a heat wave!!

the weather the first day was cool but it didn’t stay that way for long

7 days later

3.Schedule your runs.

This is the same as if you are at home.  If you don’t schedule your runs, they may never happen. However, when in a foreign country, there are so many other things to do besides running. It is soooo tempting to skip your run.  So you need to make running a priority and pick a time to get it done. This may just involve getting up earlier than you would like to. I guarantee that you will never regret your run. And besides, while running you will get to see some interesting sites in the city that you are visiting.

so excited to run along this lake

4.Don’t forget to have rest days.

Again, if you run everyday at home, you may be wanting to run everyday while in a foreign country. But you will find that you don’t need to because you will likely be more tired (hello jetlag) and you’ll be surprised at how many steps you’ll get in while visiting this new city without taking a single running step.

boat ride + wine = 🙂

5.Make sure you are safe.

At home, you know where you can run safely and where you should not run at all or should not run alone.  But in a foreign country, don’t assume that you can run anywhere.  Don’t assume that it is safe where you want to run. So ask around and do your research and find out which places are safe to run.  And depending on what country you are in, you may have to change how you normally dress when you run.  I would recommend dressing modestly, just in case. (maybe not just in your running bra and short shorts.)

proudly showing off my recent race shirt

Happy Running! Have you eve run in a foreign country? If so, any other tips that you can add?



19 thoughts on “Running in a Foreign Country – Part 2

  1. Truly, running is the best way to see a new place. To add onto the point of safety, I’d say to make sure you don’t get lost. Map out a safe route, out and backs are good. In Paris I like to run along the Seine or thru the Tuileries Gardens, and really pay attention to your surroundings and where you’re going. Stay away from traffic entirely if possible. Drivers vary by country and so does their etiquette.


  2. I definitely have a running belt on me whenever I’m traveling just so documents don’t get lost/stolen! Great way to get a free walking (well, running 😛 ) tour in!!


  3. Other than Canada, I haven’t run in another country, except on a treadmill, although I have walked through many European countries. Often by myself.

    Don’t depend on weather forecasts is a biggie. We were in Prague around this time and it was sooooo cold.Not at all what was forecast. Layers are important!


  4. totally agree on everything Darlene! I have run in many countries! I LOVE it! but I always do my research and/or check with someone where it’s good/safe to run. And generally I don’t run alone – I did once in Paris because I knew the exact loop around where my hotel was, but other than that, I don’t go alone.

    One tip I would add: Check out ParkRun! You have to register but once you do you are in for life. I’ve done ParkRun now in Scotland, Italy and Poland (twice!). This is an organized, free 5K event that happens all over the world as far as I know, only not in every country. So yes, totally recommend that. I have not had a bad experience with it as of yet!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These are great tips and so important to think about.
    The only country I traveled to and didn’t run in was Ethiopia! We did hiking, but I was never in a really safe place to run, and I learned to be ok with that!
    My fav place I have run so far is Costa Rica! All the sights are So beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

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