Freihofer Run for Women Race Report and on the DL AGAIN!!


This race is always so exciting for me. (I posted why here.)

This year as I did last year, I walked over from work yesterday to pick up my bib and goodies (shirt, bread & cookies).

It was so quiet on the street. Believe it or not I actually saw Joan Benoit Samuelson running up the hill in the 90 degree heat.


After I picked up my goodies, I struggled up that hill (walking.)


oops I may have bought a pair of compression socks….

It was warm already when I got up this morning. I had my usual running breakfast (oatmeal & coffee) and drove to work where I would leave my car and walk the 1.5 miles to the start.

me, Courtney and her aunt MaryPat my friend)

me, Courtney and her aunt MaryPat my friend)

I wanted to get there early so I could meet friends and take a photo with the other SRMs (the group keeps getting bigger and bigger).

Look at the group in 2010!!

Last year was such an emotional race. This year, I was relaxed about it. I wanted to do well but I know that it is so crowded.


some of the SRMs

Around 9:30 or so, I pushed myself into the crowd. It was so hot that I moved up and it was cool because I got to see the elite runners go by and head to the front. Joan Benoit Samuelson offered a moment of silence for Boston. And then we were off.

I tried to get moving. It was difficult but since it was a hill, going slow was ok.

It was warm and all I wanted was to run the whole race and finish strong.

Mile 1 was great. I felt strong and heat really wasn’t bothering me. I was just trying to save it for the end.


I was approaching the first water stop. It was crowded and wet and I was debating whether or not to stop. Somehow I lost my footing or my weak ankle gave out…I am not sure what went wrong exactly. But in trying to remain upright, my foot twisted in my shoe. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!! (Deja vu! The same thing happened 12 years when waterskiing)

Of course, I did what every smart runner does. Stop so I don’t make it worse.


I continued to run…my gait was way off and my foot hurt with every step but I ran on….. until I crossed the finish line.

And I did meet my goal. I finished at 29:41!!!


mile 1: 9:17 (even going up that hill in the crowd)
mile 2: 9:35 – it hurts
mile 3: 9:40 – it hurts more
.17 – 7:53

After I finished, I headed to the Medic tent to ice my foot. The doctor there suggested I get an xray (not what I wanted to hear) Many women were throwing up, passing out, and staggering in so I limped out of there.

I tried to find my friend but there was SO MUCH SECURITY. I could not get to where we agreed to meet.

So I limped 1.5 miles back to my car.

I was still in denial but my foot was starting to turn purple and I knew what that meant.

Xray results: clean break of the fifth metatarsal

good thing I kept those critches

good thing I kept those crutches

Non- weight bearing for…. a long time. I have to now see my ortho.

There are no words to express how BAD I feel……………..

Happy Running! Enjoy your weekend! Anyone ever break their 5th metatarsal??


19 thoughts on “Freihofer Run for Women Race Report and on the DL AGAIN!!

  1. Oh no! I’m so sorry that you slipped. I was worried of that myself today. I am super impressed that you were able to push on! We finished within seconds of each other. Get lot of rest!


  2. Oh no 😦 I am so sorry, I have seen many patients in my years with 5th metatarsal fx and it all depends on the part of this bone. Fingers crossed it is the “good” kind, hope you get in to see that ortho soon and get answers.


  3. Oh man Darlene! I am so sorry to hear this!! I hope it heals quickly and you can be back out there in no time! I’m sure it’ll seem like forever… it always does with an injury! I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!


  4. No, no, no: not again! Girl you have such bad luck with your foot lately. I feel so sorry for you that this happened just when you were back at running after a long recovery.


  5. Ah Darlene, I am so sorry, that is so not fun. But to finish sub 30 minutes in the heat with a broken bone, impressive. I hope your road to recovery is swift.


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